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Welcome to this project site, an exploration of Hong Kong's multifaceted portraits over time! While this project arises from the occasion of my Minor in Writing Capstone Project, it speaks to a constant conflict I have had with Hong Kong, the city I spent my childhood in. At the age of fifteen, I moved to the U.S. At first, I still identified strongly with Hong Kong. However, I realized gradually that the years I lived in Hong Kong and that in U.S. would even out at one point. Moreover, Hong Kong has faced many challenges and major changes in social and political dynamics in recent years. Seeing old buildings being torn down and new buildings emerged and hearing conflicting sentiments from family and friends, Hong Kong felt a bit foreign at times. This project is both an investigation of the constantly changing personality of Hong Kong as well as my attempt to grasp how I may rejoin the Hong Kong community in the future. 

Time-Lapse of the Ever-Changing City

Look at the shapes of the city layout, the lines of buildings' architecture, the people. Now, zoom into those tiny details like street names, light poles, and stairs. Do you recognize them? Many architecture and urban planning of the city were developed during its colonial time by the British. Despite the handover and shifting political sentiments in recent year, Hong Kong continues to thrive in prosperity due to its capitalist economic policy and freedom guaranteed by the judiciary branch. However, under the glamorous spotlight, social fractions began to emerge and the voices of the city began to take different faces. Along with the project content, in this site, you will find a bookshelf and a photo gallery that allow you to further extend your curiosity and visualize the city. Enjoy!

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